Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Week of November 13

Voyager Housekeeping
Voyager FAP Meeting - Wednesday, December 5th - 6:30pm  
We will hold our first house FAP meeting on Wednesday, December 5th in the Voyager Kiva.  A Voyager teacher and FAP representatives for Voyager will run the meeting.  Topics of discussion will include house fundraising events, update on house budget, details to date on field trips and ANYTHING you'd like to put on the agenda!  This is a great opportunity to ask questions about house schedules, core curriculum, house services, anything!
The meeting will last for approximately 45 minutes, so please come share your voice.
FAP Reps, Lori Mele, Sue Scheer, Ann Schmidt

Voyager Media and Book Sale
So happy to share some fantastic news to brighten your Monday morning.  Voyager
raised $1,146.00 at the Voyager Media/Book Sale at the Craft Fair on Saturday!

Just another wonderful example of what our Voyager community can accomplish working together!

A HUGE thank you to all of the parents who collected books in neighborhoods - Tess Swett, Sue Scheer, Lori Mele,
Kristen Littlefield, Wendy Ruggles, Cathy Clear, Julie Watson, Leigh Samuels, Dave Schmidt!

Another HUGE thank you to all of the parents who set up and worked the sale/helped with the Craft Fair on Saturday- KaryAnn Bombardier, Pam Niarchos, Leigh Samuels, Nicole Voth, Tess Swett, Robyn Young, Cathy Clear, Teresa Soares, Danielle O'Brien, Lori Mele, Sue Scheer, Carrie Yandow, John Hemmelgarn!

Yet Another HUGE thank you to the students who provided the arms and legs and volunteered time to make the sale a success - Katie Scheer, Nate Littlefield, Hanna & Cullen Swett, Grace Hemmelgarn, Doug & James Schmidt, Paige Niarchos, Halina & Kolena Vercessi-Clarke, Cale & Laurynn Bombardier, Delaney Ruggles, Olivia Yandow, Parker Soares, Sam Clear, Justin Schaaf, Olivia Voth, Lucien Therieault, Luca Mele, Erin Watson.

If I've forgotten anyone, please forgive me, there were SO many volunteers our heads were spinning!!!!  Thanks to EVERYONE who donated books, CD's and other merchandise -- we had a great selection of merchandise.  Please extend thanks to your neighbors and friends who donated!

Stay tuned for our next house 'fun' fundraiser -- we will be doing a Voyager Zumba dance on Sunday, November 18, 2:00 - 3:00 in the Williston Central School gym.  More details to come...mark your calendars!!!

Save the Date
Voyager Family Night at the Old Brick Church - Thursday, December 13th at 7pm


Ms. Q’s Corner:
Math 7
How does a change in rate change a table or graph?  What relation does a table and graph have with an equation?  These questions were investigated this week as students compared walking rates.  On Friday we performed an experiment with the question:"Is the change in water temperature when ice cubes are added linear or non-linear? We found some interesting data, including something that look a lot like a curve.  There is no homework over the Thanksgiving break, but getting on to Khan Academy might be a good use of the after turkey time.

Math 8
Shapes of Algebra began with investigating points on a circle.  We created right triangles from using the radius as the hypotenuese and was able to find the length of missing sides using the Pythagorean theory.  How can you tell if two lines are parallel or perpendicular?  We explored rectangle patterns found in crop circles and explored the numerical relationship between the slope of the parallel and perpendicular lines of the pattern.  We found that parallel lines always have the same slope and perpendicular lines have opposite reciprocal slopes.  

Science 7th/8th
What will happen to our environment in the future?  We finished watching the BBC movie on global warming and read a National Geographic article on its potential impacts on the world's climate.  The final project for our ecosystem study is writing a newspaper article from the year 2112.  Students are researching climate models to see what may happen to Vermont, the US and the world as rising sea level and climate shifts impact on living creatures their habitat.  

News from Ms. O
Math 5:  5th Grade math students have begun a deep investigation of multi-digit multiplication and have been solving these kinds of problems by modeling with base ten blocks.  It’s amazing how instant an answer you can get when you understand base ten.  Students should work on FASTT math over break.  If they don’t have access, students may work on Practice Packets provided.

Math 6:  Students have been building proficiency in developing strategies for naming fractions using equivalents.  Students have also been thinking about how to name a fraction between a fraction.  Those students who have mastered the equivalent fraction strategy where you multiply the numerator and denominator by the same number in order to give a set of fractions the same denominator have been looking at other strategies in which students determine the numerical distance to a benchmark and comparing those distances to each other.  For example,7/8 is one eighth from the benchmark 1 and 8/10 is 2/10 or ⅕ away from one.  So how do we compare the ⅛ to the ⅕?  Well ⅛ is smaller than ⅕ so it must be closer to one.  ⅕ is a bigger piece and therefore further from 1 than ⅛.  Therefore, ⅞ is larger than 8/10.  Has made for some interesting discussions.

Science ⅚ :  There was a lot of water this week!  We did a lot of sinking and floating of objects in water to make the claim about how that object’s density compares to water’s density.  We further narrowed the questions so that students could look at density more specifically.  For example, some students noticed that diet soda floats but regular soda does not and so students calculated density of objects using mass and volume measures to see if they could determine why this is the case.  Other students tried to determine density before floating to see how knowing density of substances might help in the solving real world problems.  It was messy but fun!  Students have the responsibility to type up the process of their investigation.  It is due the Tuesday after break, but many students have brought home work to do over break so they can do other investigations Monday.  Monday will be a support session for students that need help writing and pulling together data.

Mr. Merrill’s Wrap Up -
We started the week off with our Reading Cafe.  Students reflected on their reading using “Thinking Stems” to get them started.  These reflections and short writing activities are all going into their Reading Response Notebooks.  The students have now added a variety of entries into their notebooks to show their reading comprehension with independent and literature group books.  
The second round of literature groups will be wrapping up on November 30th.   Students will be writing a LEAF paper, answering the question “What makes scary, scary?  Students will need to find evidence from their literature group books to answer the question.  

In Social Studies, we kicked off our unit on the Constitution.  Using an anticipation guide, students answered questions about the Constitution, and read informational text to gauge their current understanding of our Constitution.  We also played a “Jeopardy Game” with the information.  Argument papers were also completed in class and passed in at the end of the week.

The Week in Ms.Wesnak’s Room

In Language Arts this week we continued our whirlwind adventure through poetry. Students have tried out a variety of poetry and most recently they experimented with Free Verse. Most students found this form of poetry to be their favorite so far. Students also continued their AMAZING work for the Shells for the NJ Shore project. The seashell art is beautiful and the haikus that were written to accompany the art is thoughtful, caring, and hopeful. 8th Graders are using donation based events to fundraise such as a bottle drive. With each donation, that person or family receives a small I Love NY or I Love NJ shell and piece of poetry. They are also creating seashell jewelry and art to sell at school based events. 7th Graders have decided to turn our seashells into Christmas ornaments and sell them at a variety of events. They will be sold at a couple of school basketball games, staff breakfasts, and also at a local business. Thank you to the Paquette family for allowing us to bring our art and project to your business! Ask your child about what you can do to help or donate to the cause. I will keep you posted on specific dates, blogs or websites to check out, and our final donation totals!

In Social Studies we started our work on the Global Government Project and the students are studying a WIDE variety of countries. We are all learning a lot of new facts about our countries and our research is coming to a close. Talk to your child what country they are studying and what they have learned so far. We have also been getting some practice in our note-taking skills by watching some short National Geographic Videos on continents or countries students are not studying as part of the Global Government Project. It’s been a busy week, but a fun one! Hope everyone has a wonderful break and holiday!  

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