Monday, September 23, 2013

Letter to Parents

Attached is a revised letter from the nursing staff at WCS.  Please read carefully so you can be better informed about the school guidelines around peanut allergies!

September 2013

Dear Parents and Students,

This school year a student in your child’s classroom has a severe allergy to all peanut products.  For this reason, students in our classrooms will be peanut safe and nut safe this year.
When possible, please do not send any of the following items to school for snack. 
  • Peanuts
  • Peanut butter
  • Snack crackers with peanut butter fillings
**Students with a peanut/nut allergy should have a designated area in the classroom to have snack. This area only should be peanut/nut free. Students may sit in this area with a peanut/nut free snack. Washing hands after eating peanut products is recommended to prevent contamination of surfaces. 

Please check the labels on prepared foods and mixes.  It will state on the ingredient label if any peanut or nut products are used.  Classroom teachers will be monitoring snacks and lunch to assure this child’s safety.  Additionally, please talk with the classroom teacher prior to sending food in for birthdays or other special occasions.  Attached are peanut/nut free alternatives for snack if you are looking for guidance.

Students with peanut/nut allergies can sit at a peanut/nut free table in the cafeteria and in their classroom for easier monitoring. Friends may sit at the peanut free tables if the food they are eating are free of peanut/nuts. Students may be asked to wash their hands when entering the classroom in the morning and when they return from lunch.

I understand that this request may be an inconvenience for you, but it could save a child’s life.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to speak with your child’s teacher or our school nurse.  Thank you for your help in making Williston Central School and/or Allen Brook School a safe place for every student.

Lisa LePrevost, RN
WCS  871-6170

1 comment:

  1. My child doesn't have this peanut/nut allgery but if she did i would be so scare for her so I'm so proud of our school for doing this for all the children that do have this allgery. Good job williston keep up thebgood work at keeping our children safe.
