Thursday, March 21, 2019

Week of March 18 - 21


Please visit the Voyager Web Site to keep in touch with what’s happening in Voyager this year.  

Indoor Garage Sale Donations and Volunteers Needed!

Voyager House is holding its annual Indoor Garage Sale Saturday, March 30th in WCS's cafeteria 8:00am - 2:00pm!  It's a giant indoor Reuse/Resale that raises money for Voyager's end-of-year overnight field trip.

We need Event Volunteers to pull this off!
  • Click here  if you can volunteer at this event. We need helpers and food donations (pies!)
We also need Donated Items to sell!
  • Click here to learn more about what items we need and how to donate.
Please contact Ted Milks at if you have any questions.

THANK YOU for your support!

3x3 Coed Basketball Tournament

Hello, I am Ethan Murphy, an 8th grader at WCS doing my 8th grade challenge. For my challenge I am trying to raise money to replace the backboards and hoops on the recess basketball courts. To help fund raise for that I am hosting a 3v3 Coed Basketball Tournament  

Date: March 29, 2019, 3:30-6:00 pm at WCS new and old gyms.

Max of 3 players per team. $10 entry fee per person

PRIZE Awarded to Winning Team

Registration Deadline: March 26th

Use the following link to register:

Contact Ethan at with questions.


Now accepting registrations for the CVU summer camp - Class of 2023

The CVU summer camp is a great experience for any student who will be joining CVU as a ninth grader or transfer student in the Fall of 2019. We pride ourselves on providing a welcoming and fun camp to help ease the transition to CVU while making new friends. Upper-class students are counselors of the camp and help to promote team building and grow social bonds between campers while have a blast during the summer. CVU camp T-shirt, lunch and snack provided!
The camp offers two sessions:
  • Session A July 8 - 11, July 15 - 18, and...
  • Session B July 22 - 25, July 29 - Aug 1
You can find more information about the daily schedule, registration and tuition on our website:
Contact us at: Email: Scholarships and financial assistance available.
FAP’s Annual Fund Needs Your Help

Please consider making a contribution to the FAP Annual Fund. The Fund is used to support school field trips and awarding FAP grants to various student activities and projects. It is a vital funding resource to support your student’s educational experiences.

Click here to learn more.

Absent Student? Appointment? Change in Bus ride home?

  • Please email and your core teacher if your student will be absent, needs to be picked up during the day for an appointment, or will ride a different bus home. Core teacher emails are:

Please do not bring in food to share.  We have many food restrictions on house.  Thanks!


 Voyager House Learning Tools for teachers, students, and parents
  • Google Site - an important site for regular communication coming from Voyager.  This site will be modified weekly and should be bookmarked on your desktop or laptop.  This site contains a link to weekly academic summaries as well as important upcoming events.
  • Google Classroom - an online planner platform where students can check on daily assignments.  This is in lieu of a paper planner.   Just ask your child to log in using his/her email.  It is important to know that this is not an assessment database.  We do not check completion of the assignment on this platform.  However, we do ask that YOUR CHILD press the button MARK AS DONE when an assignment is completed. This will make it easy for you and your child to discuss completion of work.
  • Google Mail - an email system used by Williston Central School.  All students have an email account and students use it regularly to communicate with peers around collaborative work and project-based learning.  This is a great way for teachers to communicate with students and a great way for students to get reminders about assignments from Google Classroom.  
  • Jumprope - an online platform for assessment of the targets.  Students can view weekly or biweekly his/her achievement on the targets by logging in using his/her email and a password.  This password was emailed to each student in a letter last week.   *Habits of Learning, like homework completion and collaborative learning skills will be posted on a biweekly schedule.  This is where you CAN SEE whether your child is in good standing on daily assignments.
  • Protean - an online Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) platform used primarily at this point by 7th and 8th graders. ⅚ students may post executive function skills reflections, personal interest projects, and other measures of growth and reflection after 1st trimester.  
  • IXL - a program that supports students on math and language arts skills.
  • Moby Max - a math program used by ⅚ math students to build computational fluency and fill gaps in understanding on major concepts.  Students have a username and password for this program.
  • Typing Club - a program used by the ⅚ humanities students to build typing skills.


Mr. Roof - 7&8 Humanities
This week, students began work on their third book recommendation. The assignment requires students to write a recommendation of a book they read this year (2019), including a brief description of the plot, characters, and why they recommend it. Along with the recommendation, students create an original new book cover based on whatever inspired them the most. We also watched a portion of the Ken Burns documentary on the dust bowl of the 1930s. This gripping program included primary source materials such as photography, film, and interviews with survivors. We also continued work on argument writing, using CNN 10 news as a basis. Students paired up and then chose one of the news stories as a basis for crafting an argument. We have some very interesting arguments developing in class. Stay tuned. Finally, we began our study of WW2 with a quick overview. Mrs. Griffin from Harbor house came down to lead that activity. You may have noticed that there is no CNN 10 weekly assignment, nor a reading log. We are taking a break from both of those, and instead trying some different assignments to explore current events and independent reading. This decision was based on student feedback. We are excited for some new experiences.

Ms.Q/ Mr. Sironi

This week students finished up the "It’s in the System" Unit with exploring systems of linear inequalities.  These systems are solved like equalities, but also focus on regions that have infinite solutions, no solutions or solutions specifically for each linear inequality.  We created class records and play a few rounds of jeopardy.  We began our unit assessment on Thursday.


We had a fairly abridged week with rehearsals, concerts and conferences.  Students have been working diligently to finish up their scaling projects.  We will be starting our new unit on next week.

This was a very short week for science.  On Monday students shared their essays and illustrations from space.  It was a great mix of science fact with science fiction.  We had students traveling all over the solar system, visiting planets, moons and asteroids.  They described many wondrous sights and experiences.  It was a fun and creative assignment.  We ended the week with the introduction of our “Energy through the Ecosystem” unit.  We began investigating the characteristics of all living things. Students had to sort different objects as to whether they were living or nonliving. Students have a  reading and vocabulary list for our ecosystem study. 

Mr. Merrill - ⅚ Humanities

A great week for our Shark Tank project. We worked on our pitch writing this week. This includes a strong introduction with a hook and claim, persuasive techniques, and a strong conclusion with a “zinger” to wrap it up. Students were introduced to the presentation expectations and started working on a Google Slide show for the visual component of their presentation. Students are to include a logo, design ideas, product overview, key features, pricing and of course, their best arguments to convince the 7th and 8th grade Sharks to invest in their products. Presentations are next week in the Kiva.

Ms. O’Brien

Always the last to post! Hope you are having a great weekend! Here’s a quick update of our week:
We consumed both math and science this week with a really cool science and math modeling activity. Students were looking at relative size and distance of objects. As you can see from the pictures below, the goal of the modeling exercise was to make a series of seven balls appear the same in size, even though they were not. It was a rich learning experience that began with data collection on the size and distance of each ball from the zero cm sight line, expanded to a graphing exercise, making predictions about balls of other size (diameter) to a remodeling to check out graphical predictions. Students also wrote lots of claims and a final on demand writing piece on why the sun and moon appear to be the same size, even though we know they are not. We ended the week with conversations about eclipses, where the relative size work we did, becomes relevant. It was one of those activities that involved math, science and writing. A great interdisciplinary moment!

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