Saturday, June 1, 2019

Week of May 27-31


8th Grade Challenge Presentations- Voyager House - Tuesday, June 4th 10 a.m.- 12 p.m.

Here is the link to presentation times and locations: 8th Grade Challenge Presentations 2019

⅞ Field Trip to Burlington - Spirit of Ethan Allen

The 7th and 8th grade teams are heading to Burlington for an Education on the Lake cruise on the Spirit of Ethan Allen and a scavenger hunt through downtown Burlington on Monday, June 3rd. Please have your student bring a raincoat in case of inclement weather. Lunch will be provided during the cruise.

Camp Hochelaga - June 5 - 7, 2019

A reminder that all of Voyager will be at Camp Hochelaga on June 5th, 6th and 7th. Information was previously sent to you regarding what your child should pack, emergency contact information etc. The documents are linked below, as well:

Camp Hochelaga Packing List

Camp Hochelaga - Emergency Contact & Program Goals

Camp Hochelaga Activity Summary

Fishing at Camp Hochelaga

Students who would like to fish at Camp Hochelaga can bring a fishing rod. There should be no hooks on the line. All hooks should be in a latched tackle box or container. No knives are allowed.

Voyager Book Swap

On Wednesday, June 12, we will have a book swap in our Kiva. Please send in any gently used middle grades books with your student. With the opportunity to sign out 3 books from the library and take books from the swap, students should have a nice collection of books for summer reading. We will also have a visit from Jill of the Dorothy Alling library who will share some great books to read over the summer.

⅚ Personal Interest Project Presentations and Reading Cafe Open House

Thursday, June 13 - 8:15 - 9:00 am

Parents are invited to come in and listen to PIP presentations and provide feedback to students. Each student present to a small group of 3 or 4 students. Parents will listen to 3-5 short presentations. Historical Fiction Narratives will be available for reading and feedback from parents.

2018-2019 Parent Satisfaction Survey

Dear Williston Parent/Guardian,

Please take a few minutes to provide us with feedback on ways you feel we can enhance the education of your children by filling out the 2018-2019 Parent Satisfaction Survey. You can access the survey by clicking on the following link or on our web site:

If you are having trouble accessing the link please contact Liz Neeld at

To Parents of 7th Grade Students:

The families of 8th graders need you! Each year parents of 7th graders help with the graduation reception at WCS. We need help setting up food, serving and cleaning up. Providing this help allows families of 8th graders to focus on celebrating their children and this milestone. Graduation is on June 13 and the reception is held in either the WCS Courtyard or the Cafeteria, depending on the weather. We are seeking help between 6:30pm and 9:00pm.

Please use the sign up below or email Shelley at with questions.

Cell-Phone Use

Please refrain from texting your child during the day. If you need to communicate a message to your child, please contact Ted Milks (; 871-6148) and the Core Teacher. If your child does receive a text from you, please do not expect a response until the end of the school day. - Thank You!

Please visit the Voyager Web Site to keep in touch with what’s happening in Voyager this year.

Absent Student? Appointment? Change in Bus ride home? Please email and your core teacher if your student will be absent, needs to be picked up during the day for an appointment, or will ride a different bus home. Core teacher emails are:

Please do not bring in food to share. We have many food restrictions on house. Thanks!


Student Assistant Professional (SAP) -

WCS Athletics - Click this link to the website to view all information regarding the WCS Athletics program.

Voyager House Learning Tools

for teachers, students, and parents

Google Site - an important site for regular communication coming from Voyager. This site will be modified weekly and should be bookmarked on your desktop or laptop. This site contains a link to weekly academic summaries as well as important upcoming events.

Google Classroom - an online planner platform where students can check on daily assignments. This is in lieu of a paper planner. Just ask your child to log in using his/her email. It is important to know that this is not an assessment database. We do not check completion of the assignment on this platform. However, we do ask that YOUR CHILD press the button MARK AS DONE when an assignment is completed. This will make it easy for you and your child to discuss completion of work.

Google Mail - an email system used by Williston Central School. All students have an email account and students use it regularly to communicate with peers around collaborative work and project-based learning. This is a great way for teachers to communicate with students and a great way for students to get reminders about assignments from Google Classroom.

Jumprope - an online platform for assessment of the targets. Students can view weekly or biweekly his/her achievement on the targets by logging in using his/her email and a password. This password was emailed to each student in a letter last week. *Habits of Learning, like homework completion and collaborative learning skills will be posted on a biweekly schedule. This is where you CAN SEE whether your child is in good standing on daily assignments.

Protean - an online Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) platform used primarily at this point by 7th and 8th graders. ⅚ students may post executive function skills reflections, personal interest projects, and other measures of growth and reflection after 1st trimester.

IXL - a program that supports students on math and language arts skills.

Moby Max - a math program used by ⅚ math students to build computational fluency and fill gaps in understanding on major concepts. Students have a username and password for this program.

Typing Club - a program used by the ⅚ humanities students to build typing skills.



Ms. Quatt- Math/Science

This week was very abridged. 8th graders had to take the Vermont Science Test and then they were off to Ridin-Hy. The 7th graders took data on the relationship between a rubber band stretch and the distance it travels, and the drop height and bounce height of different balls to see if there was a linear relationship. We graphed our data and created the “line of best fit.” We also looked at a variety of cells and tissue, and considered their structure and function.

Mr. Roof - 7&8 Humanities:

Due to chaperoning the 8th grade class trip, we had a short humanities week. Nonetheless, we have begun our final major assignment of the year, which is an essay about turning point battles of WWII. In our study of WWII, we looked at four battles that were "turning points." These battles proved significant in the outcome of WWII. Students are completing information about all four battles and then writing about one of the battles of their choice in a three paragraph essay using the LEAF format. This is due June 12, but students will most likely have it completed before then.

Mr. Merrill - 5/6 Humanities:

Historical Fiction Narrative Writing: Students are wrapping up their narratives with a conclusion that resolves the problem, reconnects the reader to the hook, and includes a satisfying concluding sentence.

PIP Writing and Presentations: Students are preparing their PIP projects for our upcoming open house on June 13.

Field Trip to Lake Champlain Maritime Museum: Students learned about the importance of the Battle at Valcour Island during the Revolutionary War, what it was like to build a ship along the shores of Lake Champlain in the 18th century, and boarded the Philadelphia II, the replica of the original revolutionary war boat that was found on the bottom of the lake.

Ms. O’Brien

All Classes! We have paused from the math curriculum for the year following the last unit assessment earlier this week. We are in full engineering mode as students build their Rube Goldberg mechanisms.

Please check in with your child about the project. Many projects lack interesting transfers and transformations, so if you have any great ideas, please insert them into your child’s imagination! It is a competition of sorts, so students must earn points for transfers and transformations. Another one or two ideas from you will only make it better and more point worthy. Thanks for your help and the effort to at least have the conversation!

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